The Nutra Pure family of brands consists of numerous well-known names in the cannabidiol (CBD) and industrial hemp arena. Chief among these is CBDPure™ our consumer line of high-potency CBD oils and softgels. One of the largest and most popular CBD brands in the United States and Canada since 2016, the CBDPure line of products comes in 4 different potency levels for discerning health-conscious consumers. Nutra Pure is also the exclusive online distributor of Swrift CBD spray, in partnership with Mirth Provisions, the inventors behind the popular Drift brand. Swift spray is a patent-pending sublingual delivery system that provides a precisely-dosed amount of CBD in a high bio-availability spray.
The Excellent Hemp marketplace provides a one-stop shop for consumers and retailers to choose from over 40 of the most popular brands in the CBD space. Boasting world-class encryption technology and the convenience of major credit card processing, the Excellent Hemp platform provides a convenient shopping experience for U.S. residents to select from a wide-range of federally-legal industrial hemp consumer products. All brands sold are backed by our own money-back guarantee of satisfaction.
CBDPet is our division geared towards the health of household pets and the equine market. CBDPet adheres to the highest purity and health standards your companion deserves. The CBDPet line undergoes the same rigorous testing regimen as our human products do, and all independent test results are provided to veterinary practitioners and the public.
Swift CBD Spray is a convenient and discrete oral spray that provides a full-dose of CBD on the go. It is THC-free, and provides over 300 milligrams of CBD in a fresh, minty sublingual spray that is perfect for life on the go.